Abandoned World: The Awakening

Год издания:2023
Описание книги

We haven't seen our creators and we don't know where they came from. We don't know anything at all. Twenty-four years ago, the first of us woke up, and then the other seven thousand. We are the second generation to live on this earth and not know the details. That world that has been entrusted to us has very few colors, and its main one is gray. We see gray on this planet everywhere outside of our station. We can breathe freely only when we are on the station itself, and even the ability to walk normally is only on our station too. And outside of it, we will die without spacesuits, and our ability to move around turns into light hops across the surface. Whoever left us all this didn't even bother to tell us what we were all doing there, or what our mission was. *** A station on the dark side of the moon, where people woke up from cryosleep not knowing where they were or what to do.

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